
Friday, May 1, 2020

Weird Weekly Wonders

 This week was a short week because of ANZAC day and Teachers only day on Wednesday we made similes on a giraffe and area maths.
Then on Thursday, I did an information report on giraffes and area maths again.
For Friday I made a little doll out of old socks Thanks mum for helping me with the tricky bits! if you want to make one yourself here's the link to the tutorial Sock Doll I like how I reused my old socks, and I also made a made-up animal so I merged a narwal and a chicken to make a chicknah 🤣 Weird name right, what would you name it?
Bye bloggers :D


  1. Awesome work Jack. I love the alliteration in your title, very clever! What a cool use for an old sock, such a cool doll. What part did you find the hardest? I love your chicknah too. Have you thought about where it would live and what it would eat? I think I would call it a... nahken haha. Keep up the great work and enjoy your weekend! Caitlin :)

  2. Your little army dude is pretty cute, I bet he kept you busy for a while. Perhaps you could make a series of puppets to join Grandad Jeff...?
    I like the mixture of a chicken and a narwhal- I wonder where he would live and what he would eat?!


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