Kia ora bloggers today we make a Voki, a Voki is a website we use to make a person talk to inform people on a topic or make a POV of someone today we made a POV of a European person or a Maori person in the time when the Treaty Of Waitangi was sighed but not the way the Maori's imagined when the Europeans came to New Zealand to colonize the country they took some resources to sell without asking this confused the Maoris because why are they taking our stuff and who are they, the Europeans came back to New Zealand but not to collect resources to take the land this got the Maoris angry and later on the Europeans and the Maoris signed the Treaty Of Waitangi but there was a miscommunication on the treaty some of the words weren't in Maori that were in English so the Europeans thought it was right to take their land and in the Maori version of the Treaty it was that they could have their land so in the English version the Europeans could have some land and they were killing some Maori so this set off some alarms for the Maoris and this is what my Voki is about.
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