
Friday, September 3, 2021

My Ocean Animation

 Kia Ora Bloggers! Welcome back, we are still in lockdown :( Which is very annoying, this week feels like it has been very long, but slowly we are getting though it. Today I made an animation on what happeneds in our waters It is a message that is very clear and easy to understand.

What have you done to help out our amazing Oceans? and what could you do to help them. The past few days have been hard but, sometimes I just need a break so I go pat my cat. Anyways this is my animation I hope you enjoy it!

Thanks for checking in on my blog, and I'll see you next time, have a good one! :D

Friday, August 27, 2021

My Ocean Sustainability Poster

 Kia ora bloggers, we have been in lockdown for around a week now (I am done with lockdown already). but today I made an Ocean Sustainability Poster on Canva. This week we have done a lot of work, but our school's inquiry is about Ocean Sustainability, and how we can keep our amazing planet clean.

For my poster, I made some ways to keep our oceans clean and how you can help too, I really enjoyed making it so hope you like it!

Thank you for having a look at my blog today I hope you have a great day, and ill see you next time! :D


Friday, August 20, 2021

My Water Saving City

 Kia Ora bloggers! the past few days we have been in lockdown again! We have been doing a bit of distance learning today I made a water saving city in Minecraft.
e had to make it with Aquifers, Water ways and ways to recycle water, what are some way you could recycle water at home if your in lockdown? it rained a bit this morning I could have made a water catcher like I did in Minecraft.

This is my DLO I put together a video for you to look at enjoy!

Thank you for looking at my blog, I hope you have a Great day! :D


Friday, August 13, 2021

Aladdin Photos

 Kia ora bloggers, over the past 13 weeks our school has been working on a school production on Aladdin I got Aladdin in the main cast so it has been very full-on as you probably would know I had to learn so many lines but it is over now it was super fun this is some pictures from the play.

I hope you enjoyed this week's blog post thank you for checking in, I hope you have a good day!

Friday, July 9, 2021


Kia Ora Bloggers 

On the 2 July, we celebrated the Māori New Year, a time to consider the year ahead. The days are starting to lengthen and spring will soon be here, we just need to get through this cold winter first! 

Matariki and the Pleiades star cluster, have got many stories attached to them. We looked at two; one about how Ranginui and Papatuanuku were separated by Tāne Mahuta, and how Tāwhirimatea was so angry he ripped out his eyes and threw thunderbolts to the sky, making the cluster, and another story about 7 sisters making kites, and them going to the sky. Ururangi’s kite was different from the rest, it was rainbow coloured. We have mixed these two stories to create the design of our kites.

My kite has Tawhirimatea and the wind represented with the clouds. I then coloured in the background with watercolour with the colours red blue and green.

have you seen the Matariki star cluster?
Thank you for looking at my blog have a good day bye :)

Wednesday, June 9, 2021

Matariki Printing

 Kia ora bloggers, this month that had just been we had to do printing, first we had to make a draft copy on a4 paper we had to make simple mountains with the Matariki star cluster, but flipped backward because when we print it on the paper it will get flipped to the other way, we had to make simple mountains and spirals around the stars linking up with each star, when we finish making our draft we can get our foam and start drawing on the foam and indent it with a ball-point-pen once you have finished you paint ink onto the foam and then roll the ink onto the foam with 1-3 different colors on your foam when your done it will look something like this.                                          

I made it with the mount cook ranges as the mountains because mount cook is my mountain in my pepeha and then you can see the Matariki stars.
Have you ever seen the Matariki cluster? if not you should try to find it

Thanks for looking at my blog today have a great day :D

Friday, May 21, 2021


Kia Ora Bloggers on Wednesday we learned about S.T.E.A.M Science, technology, engineering, and mathematics, what we had to do was make an egg survive about a 3-meter drop he had to make a case surrounding our egg with 4 pieces of paper some tape, string card and a plastic bag, our group decided to make a cone so the nob will obzorbe the energy and we made a parachute to increase drag we had 25 minutes to make a case to help our egg survive, this is our DLO and a picture of our case.

Thanks for checking in see you next time :D

Wednesday, April 7, 2021

Handsome Hairy Happy Hill Hundertwasser Art

 Kia ora bloggers, what did you do for easter me and my family went to our bach and caught a fish and a few trees but we wont talk about that what I made this post was to share my crazy hundertwasser art what is hundertwasser art Jack? well he has a unique art style he use's the opposite colour on the colour wheel so if he used red he would use green ect, he draws onion domes, lollipop trees, Rows of houses, teardrops, floating eyeballs, colourful spirals, hidden faces, contour lines of Analogous colours, this is my DLO/My Art

I hope you enjoyed my post see you next time bye bloggers :D

Friday, March 26, 2021

Maori Weather On Scratch

Kia ora bloggers in the past few weeks we coded a scratch animation that translates the weather that you type into the bar into Maori and I made it to show you how to pronounce the Maori words I found it fun for myself to learn new words and put them into sentences Kei Te Pēhea Te Āhua O Te Rangi? (How’s The Weather Today?) And then you say "Kei Te Wera" (it is hot) This is my Scratch If there is anything you think I could add please tell me, enjoy! 

Thanks For Looking at my blog I hope you liked it :D

Friday, March 5, 2021

Maori Weather

 Kia ora, bloggers today we had to make a poster about how to say what the weather is like in Maori, we did the question which was "how is the weather today" and in Maori it is "Kei Te Pēhea Te Āhua O Te Rangi?" and we make a few answers of how to respond to that question,  I thought I worked pretty well and I like the poster that I made.

I hope you enjoyed this post I think I will use these sayings.

Wednesday, March 3, 2021

KOS Keep Ourself Safe Drawing

 Kia ora bloggers, today we made a drawing of the next scene on this comic we the whole comic was about these kids playing basketball and this bully came along and said this is my court and pushed this kid over and took his ball and walked off my drawing I drew was of this boy helping and asking if the boy was alright with his arm around him we also added colour to the comic I enjoyed drawing this comic.

Thanks for looking at my blog have a great day :D

Tuesday, March 2, 2021

Maori POV

 Kia ora bloggers today we make a Voki, a Voki is a website we use to make a person talk to inform people on a topic or make a POV of someone today we made a POV of a European person or a Maori person in the time when the Treaty Of Waitangi was sighed but not the way the Maori's imagined when the Europeans came to New Zealand to colonize the country they took some resources to sell without asking this confused the Maoris because why are they taking our stuff and who are they, the Europeans came back to New Zealand but not to collect resources to take the land this got the Maoris angry and later on the Europeans and the Maoris signed the Treaty Of Waitangi but there was a miscommunication on the treaty some of the words weren't in Maori that were in English so the Europeans thought it was right to take their land and in the Maori version of the Treaty it was that they could have their land so in the English version the Europeans could have some land and they were killing some Maori so this set off some alarms for the Maoris and this is what my Voki is about.

Thanks for taking your time and looking at this post :D

Friday, February 26, 2021

Tāmoko Poster

 Kia Ora Bloggers! Welcome to my blog today I'm making my blog post about the Tāmoko in this post I make the poster on Canva I include some fun facts about Tāmoko. Tāmoko is a cultural face tattoo for Maori, this is my poster.

I hope you enjoy this post come again! :D

Te Tiriti O Waitangi

 Kia Ora Bloggers today we worked on the Te Tiriti O Waitangi, of how the European made their way to New Zealand we had to add the Voyage route that they took to New Zealand, any issues they head on the boat, what they observed when they first arrived in New Zealand, and what issues arose when they got to New Zealand, this is my DLO Enjoy.

Thanks for checking in to my blog come again :D

Wednesday, February 24, 2021

K.O.S (Keep Ourselves Safe)

  Kia ora bloggers this past week we've been looking at how to keep ourselves safe this topic is if you are home alone and a big man comes out of a taxi and stumbles to your front door and knocks loudly, What do you do? we made a DLO on what to do if that occurs, this is my DLO

I hope you enjoyed today's blog post I'd like to know what you would do in this situation thank you so much for checking in today goodbye.

Thursday, February 18, 2021

Perfect Pepeha

 Kia ora Bloggers today I worked on my Pepeha, I included my name my parents where I live what country I live in My Mountain my River, our class made our Pepeha on Adobe Spark, Have you made your Pepeha yet? I would recommend doing it, here's my Pepeha.

I hope you enjoyed the blog post. Thanks for tuning in.

Monday, February 15, 2021

Legit Lego man drawing

 Kia ora bloggers next we have my lego man drawing we had to make a lego man that looks like us with our personality we had to put hair, face and clothing I found the face a bit challenging and the hair quite challenging, overall I'm happy with the final outcome this is my lego man, what type of personality would your lego man have, see you next time.

Cool Camp Reflections 2021

Kia ora bloggers, Last Week we went to camp at Wainui was super fun, we did orienteering, Coasteering, code breacker, kayaking, high ropes my favourite activity was high ropes because it got my adrenaline running and I was super stocked to make it to the top of giants ladder, I made a DLO (Digital Learning Object)